Directed by Darwin Nugraha, Amir Pohan, 77 minutes
Seberapa banyak penghasilan negara dari eksploitasi sumber daya alam yang kembali ke masyarakat sendiri? Seberapa banyak pula penghasilan negara dari pajak yang didedikasikan untuk infrastruktur jaminan sosial? Pertanyaan ini memang klise, tapi karena klise itu artinya pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini masih saja terus ditanyakan dari tahun ke tahun, dari rezim ke rezim. Ayam Mati di Lumbung Padi hadir pula dengan pertanyaan serupa, terkait dengan polemik harian yang dihadapi warga Blora, tanah yang akrab dengan minyak dan korporat multinasional.
Jawabannya sama juga: entah. Sepanjang film kita melihat penghisapan ekonomi besar-besaran terhadap para kelas pekerja di Blora. Mereka cari pekerjaan harus mengais, cari layanan kesehatan harus mengemis, sementara itu para caleg dan capres enak saja cari suara dengan janji-janji manis. Tidak jarang pula para kelas pekerja itu dijadikan bagian dari kampanye. Ayam Mati di Lumbung Padi secara teknis memang tidak tampak ambisius, tapi tidak banyak dokumenter Indonesia yang mampu dengan lugas mengartikulasikan realita ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh kelas pekerja nusantara. Ayam Mati di Lumbung Padi adalah satu dari sedikit film itu.
DIRECTOR Dawrin Nugraha | CO-PRODUCER Darwin Nugraha |
CO-DIRECTOR Amir Pohan | RESEARCHER Elva Laily |
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Amir Pohan | EDITOR Darwin Nugraha |
An engaged couple is lunching in a cafeteria, and we follow their conversation as they go into minute detail about what needs to be organized for the upcoming wedding. She stabs compulsively at the food on her plate as they discuss the dowry, and he waves around his hands. We learn that in Indonesia's culturally divided society, neither the preparations nor the wedding itself are simple. This is a glimpse into the life of a modern young people struggling with their parents' cultural legacy.
Ismail Basbeth
One day my mother asked me to go home. Once I got there, she asked everybody in our family to choose a governor whose religion is Islam. I refused because I disagree with her logic. But mother kept on telling me to choose one based on religion. As the election day came, I chose not to choose anyone. Has english subtitles.
Directed by Bani Nasution
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A raw, first-person account of the last war in Gaza in the summer of 2014. Mohamed Jabaly, a young man from Gaza City, joins an ambulance crew as war approaches, looking for his place in a country under siege, where at times there seems to be no foreseeable future. While thousands of things are published on the recurring violence in Gaza, the stories behind them remain hidden. Not this one.
Mohamed Jabaly
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