Terms and Conditions

Buttonijo is a gateway Site(s) which provides selling and purchasing of music, movie, image in an archive format which allows them to be uploaded and downloaded following the Terms and Conditions applied within this site.

Buttonijo is obligated to protect your privacy. The Privacy Policy will tell you about our online collection and data usage. This Privacy Policy's purpose is to protect the personal data confidentiality of this Site's users which are the sellers and buyers.

By using this Site(s), you understand and agree to this policy term. With the purpose to protect data, Buttonijo monitors all incoming data and, unless stated otherwise, also serves as data processor. The collected data may be maintained, and may be kept, processed, accessed, and used according to the regulations within the jurisdiction of The Law of The Republic of Indonesia.

Please take a few moments to read this agreement. By accessing the Buttonijo Sites, you agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and are aware that our policies may evolve in the future as indicated below.


Collection of Your Personal Information

Upon registering to this Site(s), we will be asking for your personal information. Each user must give the right information, such as name (full name & username + password), address, telephone number, e-mail address, if they want to take part in the contents selling and purchasing activities. Additional personal information (e.g. credit card number and billing address) will be collected for transaction process or to provide products and service. Other information (e.g. age, hobbies, income, sex or interests) may also be collected and be connected to your personal information.

Like many Internet sites, we also use “cookies” to collect information. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer and is stored on your hard drive. When you visit our Site(s) the cookie identifies your computer to us so that you do not have to re-register each time you visit. We may also use cookies to measure the traffic to our Sites and the use of different services and features of the Sites. Advertisers that appear on the Buttonijo Sites may place cookies on your computer and their use of the information stored on those cookies is subject to their own privacy policies. You should visit their sites to learn about their information practices. Advertisers or other companies do not have access to Buttonijo's cookies.


Use of Your Personal Information

Buttonijo collects and uses your personal information to process your transactions, provide customer service, research and analysis with the purpose to increase quality, service and technology, and to display the contents according to your interests.

We will also use your personal information to communicate with you. We may establish related communications such as welcome letters, billing reminders, and purchase confirmations. We may also send you surveys or marketing communications to inform you about new products or services or other informations that might interest you.

We use information that is not personally identifiable to determine how people use our web sites and its services. For example on our advertisements, which files are downloaded most frequently, and which areas of our sites are the most popular. Analyzing this data allows us to improve the offerings on and performance of our site(s). Using your IP adress, we can also determine the general physical location of a user and may at times use this information to better target advertising to users.


Sharing of Your Personal Information

Unless stated below, Buttonijo does not share your personal information with the Third Party, unless you have given permission or we need to share the information to provide products or services as you requested.

We may share your personal information with service providers that use the service under our name. For example, we may hire other company to handle the billing process, to provide data archiving, website host, to fulfill order and shipping, to help direct marketing. Companies will be authorized to obtain the personal information needed to provide services. They are obligated to keep the information and not permitted to use them for other purposes.

We have the right to disclose your personal information if required by law, or in a situation where such act is deemed necessary to abide by law process according to a warrant, court order, to build or execute legal rights or defend against legal charges, and to protect properties or interests of Buttonijo, their agents and employees, personal safety, or community. In this situation, Buttonijo may be unauthorized by law, court order or other legal processes to release certain statements, and Buttonijo is rightful of not releasing statements within their own policies.

Syarat dan Persetujuan
Program USB Sinema Buttonijo

USB Sinema merupakan program distribusi film-film Indonesia dari Buttonijo. Metode distribusi ini adalah salah satu terobosan dari Buttonijo dengan menggunakan media USB, berisi konten film beresolusi besar, layaknya format materi film yang digunakan untuk layar lebar. USB Sinema ini memiliki proteksi file khusus yang dapat memberikan akses kepada pengguna dengan durasi terbatas. Setelah melewati dari batas waktu yang disepakati, file film yang terdapat didalam USB tersebut sudah tidak dapat diakses lagi dan pembeli dapat mempergunakan media USB Sinema seperti USB flashdisk pada umumnya. Pembagian hasil dari penjualan USB sinema ini akan diberikan sebesar 60% kepada pemilik film dan 40% kepada Buttonijo sebagai distributor.

 1. Hak Cipta

USB Sinema berisi materi film yang dilindungi oleh hukum kekayaan intelektual. Anda sebagai pihak pemesan harus dapat menjamin untuk melindungi materi tersebut dari pembajakan dan aksi lainnya.

 2. Pemesanan dan Pengiriman

a. Anda hanya dapat membeli USB Sinema ini secara online di website buttonijo.com
b. Apabila dalam membeli konten film ini anda gunakan untuk pemutaran publik, pemesanan dan pembayaran sebaiknya dilakukan paling lambat 1 (satu) minggu sebelum acara.
c. Pengiriman dilakukan dari Jakarta, dan akan dikenai biaya kirim tergantung dari masing-masing       alamat dan wilayah pemesan.

     3. Hak dan Kewajiban

    a. Anda sebagai pemesan berhak dan dapat menyelenggarakan acara pemutaran dan diskusi untuk publik. Misalkan dengan pemutaran berbayar, mendapatkan dukungan sponsor, atau bentuk pemutaran lain sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan sistem masing-masing komunitas / penyelenggara.
    b. Untuk kepentingan tersebut, anda wajib mencantumkan logo Buttonijo dalam materi publikasi acara yang diselenggarakan.
    c. Anda sebagai pemesan dan penyelenggara acara wajib memberikan laporan kepada Buttonijo untuk digunakan sebagai arsip dan pelaporan kepada para pemilik film. Laporan ini berupa dokumentasi foto, data penonton yang meliputi jumlah, kontak (no.ponsel dan surel) data usia, dan gender.
    d. Apabila dalam uji coba penayangan / screen test terdapat masalah pada isi materi yang ada dalam USB Sinema, segera mungkin menghubungi pihak Buttonijo untuk dibantu mendapatkan solusinya. Dan jika memang terdapat kesalahan / kerusakan fatal pada USB Sinema setelah pengiriman, Buttonijo akan mengirim ulang USB Sinema kepada anda.
    e. Buttonijo sebagai distributor tidak bertanggung jawab atas isi acara yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak penyelenggara dan terbebas dari tuntutan dalam bentuk apapun.

      Segala ketentuan yang berada dalam lembar ini bersifat mutlak dan merupakan kesepakatan antara anda sebagai pemesan dengan Buttonijo sebagai pihak distributor. Dengan membaca dan menyetujui, berarti anda sudah terikat dengan semua peraturan yang berlaku pada program distribusi USB Sinema Buttonijo.